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You Only Live Once
Now I roll solo
Forever and ever
Expanding my inner
She will meet me never
Until the real deal finds he
God has set me free
The bondage of self runs deep
In the city amidst creeps
And still I rise above the Clouds
Observing misguided Crowds
City of the Angels they say
The only way is to pray
Pray for a better day
Shattered dreams so it seems
For they weren’t meant to be
There was a reason
A fever of the season
Twilight zones & silicones
The right track I shall stay for Ray
To Please or NOT to Please
Yearning to set the haters at ease
Avoiding the truth
My inspiration within the Youth
Just to stay Fly
There must be a new high
Eyes gazed upon the sky
The power is within I
‘Twas a lean and mean summer 16
Full fledged revenge
Fallen off the deep end
Grant me norcaine for this pain
Lost in the never ending Rayn
Bring me back to life resurrected
Reflected & Redirected
Highs & lows
Love lust and ego blows
Many men will never learn
Now it’s their turn
To save or not to save
For I was brave
Seeking to appease that inner crave
A heart of gold Like Jesus they say
Acting Like Yeezus in Ray
Denying my destiny
Losing my identity
Thought I had plenty
Planting all the wrong seeds
Fulfilling the wrong needs
Wasted energy in the wrong places
Pretty faces led to many disgraces
Hurled back into the pit
Managing all the misfits
Chaotic mistrust & disgust
All over again & again yet still I rise
Notice not my disguise
To gaze into his eyes is the prize
Stupidity and ridicule
For they fear he who shall rule
No longer shall He allow the burden
No more easing God out
Ego will kill us all
For if we ball til we fall
Not this fall nor next fall
Bill Gates equals Infiniti hates
Guarding my own gates
Focusing on my plates
My lane, my rain, my pain
My love, my light, my shine
To grind or be grinded
To blind or b e b blinded
The canvas is blank & so is the tank
No worries no hurries
No war, just glory
No limit soldier pushing this boulder
For I’m just building my story
Foundation in Formation
The plays are set
The hurdle is closed
One day they’ll know
Fasting my soul to be bold
The blindfold will unfold
The time will come
Crafted sharp & still young
Shooting stars and broken bars
I will not lose
Nor for booze or any of youz
The glass if half full
Positive energy of a redbull
To kill it or spill it
For I will simply refill it
Thought is was a drought
Yet this win isn’t about
Her him or them
Me time, me wind, me dine
Love is in all of us
It conquers all
Innate and fashionably great
This validation is for my spot my
My place in this race
Journeying towards freedom
As they watch the construction of
my kingdom
Embrace the wisdoms and truths
My inspiration within the youth
Never again will I fall
Self love above all
I roll solo
You Only Live Once

~ Sober Companion Client

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