The Need for #aSoberCompanion & #TreatmentAftercare
By someone who has been there!

#Recovery, like life is a journey; not a destination. We have all fallen at some point for the illusion of believing we are there, we have arrived! The work is done! Yes, it is always gratifying to finish a project, earn a degree or start a new business, and yes when we accomplish these things we have arrived, for a moment, then the real work begins.

Putting together 30, 60 or 90 days of recovery, if you are an #addict or an #alcoholic, is an accomplishment. Completing a #treatmentprogram is an achievement. It is also however the beginning of a life long voyage to keep on the path of wellness to learn a new way of living comfortably and living well without using substances. For those willing to stay the course having a #SoberCompanion or a #SoberCoach can make the difference between moving forward in recovery, #livingwell, floundering or #DyingfromAddiction.

Having a mentor in any field of learning or work is always a recognized asset. #Recovery is no different. A #SoberCompanion or a #SoberCoach has already been down the road you are now on. They understand what you are experiencing. They remember the myriad of seemingly simple tasks that seemed insurmountable in early #recovery; as well as the raw emotional ups and downs and the inability at times to make healthy choices. They are familiar with the obstacles and behaviors that can block our own success.

The good and bad news of recovery is we get to feel, think about it, we are now awake! #AwakeInRecovery! There is no longer a buffer zone between our thoughts and emotions and the world. There is the capacity to feel great compassion and love, grief and sadness, anger and joy, all of it! You no longer have to do it alone. A #Sober Companion or a #SoberCoach not only can help teach you a new way to live from #Alcohol or #Drugs, but like a ghostwriter, can help guide you to rewrite chapters for your new #SoberLife!

As the saying goes: “It takes a village”; that certainly was my experience. I clearly remember the emotional daily roller coaster of early #Recovery and how much help I received from my, not one, but two #soberCoaches that I could reach out to anytime day or night. Although I got #Sober in a 12-step program, had a sponsor and was completely involved with the group, I took full advantage of outside help available. I enrolled in a #TreatmentProgram that involved #Therapy, #GroupSessions and classes that taught me about my #DiseaseOfAddiction, #RelapseTriggers, #RelapsePrevention and success strategies. I remained connected to that program for my first year and now almost 30 years later I am so glad I did!

My wish for you is the #MomentOfGrace to seek help, to reach out however you can and/or hire #aSoberCompanion or get a #SobrietyCompanion.

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